3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Relationship Right Now

Do you want to improve your relationship right now?  Take these three easy steps and you can transform your relationship into the happy, loving, exciting relationship you desire.

1) Focus on the good: 

Write down all of the reasons you were initially attracted to your partner and why you started dating him/her.  When you think you are done with your list, try to write 3-4 more reasons.  Wait a minute to be sure you are done. Maybe write some more.

Now, read your list. You should be starting to feel those warm, loving, exciting feelings for your husband, wife, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend that started you off with this person in the first place. Keep this list somewhere that you can read it every morning. Be sure to read it every morning. By seeing the good, positive, unique, special and wonderful traits of your partner, you will be able to get through rough patches more easily and you may even be able to stop yourself from getting into the petty arguments or daily grumbles that stop you from having a smooth and happy relationship. Do this every day. The results can be wonderful and surprising.

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2) Do something kind and loving:

What makes your partner feel happy and loved, cared for and taken into account?  Make a list of all of those things--these can range from the small, e.g., looking into his eyes when you speak to him, kissing her without pulling away, to the large, e.g., charming her boss at a work dinner you are attending, or doing an outdoor activity with him that he loves.

Try to do 3 small and one big thing every week.  Your partner will feel very loved and cared for--you will see a difference in your feelings of generosity toward him/her as well as vice versa.


3) Open your heart:

Allow yourself to be open to the loving and generous gestures you receive from your partner.  This means paying attention to the moments he/she is present, the moments that he/she is trying to give you what you want.  Allow yourself to experience that love and care.  Really let yourself feel it.

If you do all 3 of these things for the next two weeks, you will be surprised by the magic, excitement and love that has re-infused your relationship and brought you closer.  For couples counseling and more personalized help with your relationship, call to set up an appointment with me today at (212) 579-6531 or schedule an appointment here.

Posted on September 24, 2013 and filed under Couples Counseling.